Devlog 01: Post Game Jam

We just updated Tiny Auto Knights (previously Holy Auto Knights) with graphical improvements, more content and quite a lot of bug fixes and quality of life improvements compared to the original Mini Jame Gam #33 submission.

The most feedback we got was regarding the difficulty aka the game was way too easy. You fought the ever same three enemies and they never got stronger. We just didn't have time in the game jam to implement something better. But don't you worry. It's fixed now (to some degree). You will fight every round against more and more enemies, atleast until the whole field is full. We're already working on scaling up the difficulty after that.

We also added tooltips to the characters that show their effects in battle. But this is still work in progress and will get a lot of improvements in the next update.

With this update we also introduced merging of characters which brings you exactly nothing (yet). But atleast you can take a look at the general system. This will also heavily improved with the next update, where characters get better stats and better effects on a higher level.

This update is a much improved version of the original game jam submission, but there's still a lot to come. So don't hesitate to give us your feedback, directly here or on Discord.

PS: Did I already tell you about all the new characters and effects in the next update? 


Well stay tuned then...



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